Saturday, December 24, 2011


Jagdish Rawtani

Death keeps no calender,,
Not even in Calcutta, Sorry, Kolkata

Fire in hospital, more than hundred lost their lives
some left children orphaned some made widows their wives.

Govt straightway says it is not responsible
No authority is even made answerable

Hospital views it as one unfortunate accident
New power has thrown onus on previous Government
They greedy for 34 years were always negligent

Where in Calcutta
No Baba Kolkata

Let us respect our language and its accent
It should always sound dignified and decent

Six year innocent boy says happily, wiping out his mothers tears
You will not be beaten anymore, along with baaba have gone your fears

She suppresses but flow of tears goes faster
Life to an Indian widow looks now darker

Hooch has taken away husband along with hundred more
Pathetic News highlighted but for a few days on the fore

Here again starts blame game
Excuses given are all very lame

Where in Calcutta
No no say Kolkata
Learn something from Maharashtrians

It is important to know pronunciation correct
Because our very entity it is going to protect

God, I do not possess your address otherwise I would drop
and ask what prompts you to quickly cut some of your crop

He was just 21 day old and you called him back
sympathy, Mamta, mercy you almighty also lack

See how much pain the grieved have endured
No sympathy no compensation has been assured

May I humbly ask what is this, design or default ?
You say it was not your but sweepers fault

You are also desirous of saving your entity and , therefore, playing blame game
Knowing not what is more important (language,entity or life) I am sunk into shame

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